New Eerrroxs.—The Story of Grettir the Strong, translated from the
Icelandic by Eirfkr Magnesson and William Morris (Longman and Co.), first published about thirty years ago.,— Travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro. By Alfred Russel Wallace, LL.D. (Ward, Lock, and Co. 2s.) —This is a volume in the publishers' " Minerva Library." Dr. Wallace published this book in 1853. He had spent about four years in his travels. The volume before us is a reprint of the edition of 1889, and has a biographical introduction by the editor of the series.— Electricity and Magnetism, by Silvans P. Thompson (Macmillan and Co., 4s. 6d.), is a reprint of the 1895 edition, the work having appeared in 1881, and having been reprinted, with or without change, some twenty times.—A second edition of Questions and Notes on ' As You Like It, by Stanley Wood (J. Heywood, Is. ),—one of the series of " Dinglewood Shakespeare Manuals." Any one who can answer all these questions has not much to learn about the play.—We have to acknowledge the third volume of " Flowers of Parnassus" (J. Lane, ls. and I s. 6d.), which contsins Mr. Stephen Phillips's Marpessa.