On the 27th October, at Bayswater Hill, the Wife of the Lord Bishop of Cape Town, of a daughter. On the 28th, at Wilton Hall, Norfolk, the Hon. Mrs. Edward Thornton Wode- house, of a daughter. On the 3d November, at Castle Freke, county of Cork, the Lady Carberry, of a
On the 3d, at Hodroyd, the Hon. Mrs. E. Monckton, of a son. On the 4th, at Corbally, near Limerick, the Hon. Mrs. Robinson, of a son. On the 9th, at Balbrougliton House, Worcestershire, the Wife of Thomas Aston *Waldron, Esq., of a daughter. Ott the 6th, in Belgrave Square, the Wife of Charles William Grenfell, Esq., M.P., of a daughter. On the 7th, at Peteredeld, the Wife of J. Bonham Carter, Esq., M.P., of a son.
On the 7th, in Princes Gate. Ily de Park, the Lady Fanny Howard, of a eon.
On the 9th, at Old Hall House, near Ware, the Wife of William George Ward, Esq , of a son and heir. Lately, in Lowndea Square, the Ron. Mrs. Barrie Farquhar, of a SOIL.
On the 12th September, at. Nynee 71i1, .East Indies, Jocelyn Pickard Cambridge, Lieutenant Second Grenadiers, third son of the Rey. George Pickard Cambridge, Bloxworth Rectory, Dorietshire, to Adelina Harriet, eldest daughter of the late Captain J. C. Lumsdaine, (Fifty-eighth B. N. I.,) late Commandant Second Cavalry, Semdiah's Contingent.
On the 28th October, at the British Consulate, Geneva. Sir Charles Montolieu Lamb, Bart., to Frances, eldest daughter of the Rev. W. Margesson, of Oakhurst, Surrey.
On the 5th November, at Stockbury Church, James d'Esterre Taylor, Esq., Royal Marines, son of the late Captain Henry Taylor. R.N., to Maria Louisa, only daughter of the late Captain Catty, Royal Engineers, of Stockbury Park, Kent.
On the 8th, at Wcybridge, Albert Vaillant, Captain Bombay Army, second sur- viving son of the late Rev: Philip Valliant, Rector of Stoke D'Alboroe, Surrey, to Giulia Isabella, younger daughter of the late Colonel Maceroni, of Weybridge.
On the 3d September, at Port Louis, Mauritius, where he had gone for the re- covery of his health, Ensign A. Marquis, Bengal N.I., youngest son of the late Robert Marquis, Esq., Durnhouse Banffshire ; -In his 21st year. On the 18th October, at Malta, Louisa, wife of Colonel J. K. Luard, C.B., Madras Artay, Brigadier-Commanding at Jaulnah. On the 26th, at Berlin, Charlotte, the wife of Otho Baron d'Ende, Chimberlain to the King of Saxony, the eldest daughter of Lieutenant-General Sir John Forster FitzGerald, K.C.B. and M.P. On the 2,1 November, in Coates Crescent, Miss Grace Dalrymple Hay, second daughter of the late Sir John Dalrymple Hay, of Park Place, Bart.
On the 2d, the Rev. Archibald Hamilton Duthie, M.A., Rector of Deal, Kent ; in his 55th year.
On the 3d, at Wisbeach, Cambridgeshire, Susanna,' relict of the late Jonathan Peckover, banker; in her 92d year. On the 4th, at Hartrow Manor, Someraetehire, Bickham Escott, Esq. On the 4th, at Bennington House, Lanark, Elizabeth Johanna, wife of Sir Charles W. A. Ross, Bart., of Balnagoten and Bennington ; in her 32d year. On the 5th, at St. Leonard's-on-Sea, the Right Hon. Lord Charles Vere Ferrara Townsbend, of Raynbam Hall, Norfolk, and of Tamworth Castle, Warwickshire ; in his 68th year. On the 5th, at Blackrock, near Cork, the Hon. C. Lawless, M.P. for Clonmel. On the 7th, at the Rectory, Little Plumstead, the Rev. Charles Patrice; in his 62d year. On the 8th, at St. Leonards-on-Sea, Matilda, wife of the Marchese Brancaleoni, of Gubbio, in the Roman States, daughter of the late Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart., and sister of the Right Hon. Lord Broughton, G.C.B.