Safe-placing Of Railway Carriages.
London, 3d November 1853. See.—In August last I happened to be travelling by railway to Paris : about five o'clock on a fine morning, I was aroused by a smart shock ; and upon......
Tetra To Flit Eititur.
REPRESENTATION OF CLASSES. II. Sin—If the educational franchise is at first only an experiment, and is not broken up into local constituencies, there is no necessity for making......
British Museum—coins, Medals, And Gems.
Sin—Among the multitudes who annually flock to our National Museum, how many know that it contains a single coin or medal ? That many would desire to see them, if aware of their......
Metropolitan Drainage.
1 Adam Street, Adelphe, 7th November 1853. Sts,—The streams and rivers of a country being the natural drains where- by surplus fluids are conveyed from the highest levels to the......
Eltaniugo From %tut Luoko Frith Craht
MASTERS AND MEN IN PRESTON. Preston has always borne a highly respectable character among the manufacturing towns of Lancashire. "Proud Preston" is the name by which it is......