Messrs. Jennings, of Cheapside, have on view, in preparation for the issue of an engraving, Mr. Le Jeune's picture, "The Parable of the Lily," which was exhibited last year at the Royal Academy. We gave our opinion of it at the time. It is to be engraved as a companion to Sir Charles Eastlake's "Christ Weeping over Jerusalem" ; and the Presi- dent's standard is not, in this particular instance, so high a one that we imply a compliment in saying that the two will be fitting companions. The engraving, which has reached the etching stage, is by Mr. Jackson, and is very well executed as far as it has proceeded. The greater name of Edwin Landseer is attached to two designs also to be seen at the same establishment, and entitled "Free Trade" and " Protection." In the first, a beaten racer is attended by discomfited turfman and jockey, in whose features those of a late Premier and a late Chancellor of the Exchequer are discernible : the second presents a jolly Suffolk punch, sleek-bided and fat, with a farmer holding a flag inscribed "Free Trade," and a background of smoking chimniea and manufacturing activity. Both are good, and especially the first. They are to be litho- graphed; and we understand that the stones will be touched by Sir Edwin's own hand.