Immediately after the release of the Provisional Government by the
National Guards and Mobiles, General Trochu ordered a mass vote of confidence or no confidence to be taken in Paris. This was accordingly done on the 5th November, and all Paris turned out to vote, the result being 557,976 ayes to 62,638 noes. Only one arrondissement, Belleville, showed a heavy majority against Government. Armed with this vote, and roused by the discovery of a paper left by the insurgents decreeing his own execution, the General has ordered the arrest of Flourens and some other leaders of the Ultras. Jules Fevre, moreover, has repeated that the Government will not cede an inch of territory, though he signi- ficantly and wisely omits to add "or one stone of her fortresses." As some 150,000 Gerdes Mobiles voted in the majority, and as these men come from every department, the vote is a rough repre- sentation of all France.