12 NOVEMBER 1870, page 3

A Great Many Good Candidates Are Now Canvassing For The

Metropolitan Education Board, amongst them Mr. Hughes, (M.P. for Frome), and Lord Edward Fitzmaurice, (M.P. for Caine), both of them for Westminster ; and both profess......

The World Seems To Be Finding New Treasures Every Day.

It -seems certain that the Cape diamond field is one of extraordinary Tichness, and covers a tract 500 miles long, and now it is said that the product of silver in America is to......

A Letter Of Dr. Newman's That Has Just Been Published

in the Tablet, gives a characteristic and amusing denial to a new version of the old report that he is contemplating a return to the Anglican Church. "I have been a Catholic,"......

"j'. T. K." Has Made An Excellent Suggestion To Several

of our -contemporaries that some provision should be made by those who -commiserate the sufferings of the victims of this terrible war for providing the immense population of......

We Are Assured, On The Best Authority, That The Son

of the late Mr. Gurdon-Rebow, Member for Colchester, is not a Tory, but as sound a Liberal as his father. He was, however, too young to exercise his father's influence with the......

General Trochu, In Announcing The Fall Of Metz To Paris,

gives no hint either of treachery or slackness, but calls the defence heroic. This must count heavily in favour of Marshal Bazaine. On the other hand, General Coffiniare,......

Consols Were On Friday 93 To 93i.


The Solicitor-general, Sir J. D. Coleridge, In Addressing...

Philosophical Institution last week, said that while he admitted in the broadest way that scholarship is not essential to great public and professional success, "yet it......

M. Regnier, The M. Or N. Of The "strange Story,"

has published the history of that intrigue in a pamphlet. It appears certain from this statement, if we accept it as true, that Bazaine did offer to capitulate on condition that......

Garibaldi Has Issued One Of His Lyrical Appeals To His

followers,. whom he calls "the cosmopolitan nucleus that the French Re- public is rallying in her midst," and of whom he asks "coolness and discipline,—indispensable in war." He......