The rumours that General Trochu intends to make his grand
sortie this week increase, but appear to be based mainly on a decree dividing the armed force in Paris into three parts ; one to act as an army, one to serve as garrison, and one to preserve order. The first includes all the regulars, supposed to be 50,000 strong, viz., General Vinoy's 25,000 men never yet defeated, and as many stragglers from different corps ; and is re-divided into three com- mands, under General Ducrot, who is Commander-in-Chief, General Exea, and General Renault, all experienced officers. No idea of the plan to be adopted has yet oozed out ; but it must be a sortie of some kind, and General Trochu expresses himself still confident of the result. That will depend on the temper of his men, of which neither he nor we know anything, except that they have shown aptitude for discipline.