The Prophecies of Our Lord and His Apostles. By W.
Hoffmann, D.D. Translated by M. J. Evans. (Hodder and Stoughton.)—This is a volume of sermons preached by Dr. Hoffmann, who is one of the King's Chaplains in the Cathedral Church of Berlin. The theology which we find in such it place is certain to be very different in every way from that which we commonly get from Germany. These sermons accordingly are decidedly Conservative in tone, more strongly so, perhaps, in their occasional allusion to politics (as when we read, in allusion to 1848, "the crater of the volcano is again quiet, which, nine years ago, poured forth its masses of burning lava "), than in their theology, for German orthodoxy is not as English orthodoxy. Dr. Hoffmann, for instance, has too much of the critical spirit of his country to fall into the snare of attempting literal and historical interpretations of the prophecies. And generally there is a certain breadth in his treatment. In substance, however, he agrees in sentiment and opinion with the theology and scriptural exegesis which we find in the Evangelical school of this country.