Sri,—I do not stand for the defence of "Hymns Ancient
and Modern " in the new or older edition, but I venture to defend the alteration (which you criticise) from "At even ere the sun was set " to " At even when the sun did set." It would have been better, perhaps, not to have made the second change, but the first was necessary. The reference is to Mark i. 32, and it is evident that it was not until after sunset, when the Sabbath was ended, that the sick were brought out for healing. That the hymn is usually sung in church after sunset makes the emendation the more appropriate. I do not like changes, but there is no reason why we should go on singing a false statement when the change of one word puts things right.— I am, Sir, &c., Tao. W. GLADSTONE. 15 Allfarthing Lane, Wandsworth, S.W.