Sir,—i Can Confirm The Statement By Mr. G. H. Ward
Humphreys in your issue of November 5th as to the " strenuous personal efforts " made by certain Protectionist Members of Parliament to eject members from the Council, with the......
Deserves That Appellation, And For Whom I Have...
ever since the Home-rule split. My vote will, with regret, be transferred to the Free-trade candidate for this division, whoever he may be ! As a danger to the Empire,......
[to The Editor Of "spectator "i Sir,—with Reference To Dr.
Hogan's letter to you in the Spectator of October 29th, I can give you another case of Protestant ascendency, which is perhaps not quite so much to his taste. Up to the year......
Sir,—may I, As An Irish Catholic, Enter A Protest Against
the views expressed by the Very Rev. Dr. Hogan in recent letters to the Spectator ? In his last letter in the issue of Novem- ber 5th he says " that in Ireland Catholics, no......
[to Thy Editor Op The "spectator."]
SIR, —Mr. Ward Humphreys's letter is an interesting supple- ment to the somewhat meagre reports which appeared of the National Union Conference. That at a gathering composed......