SIR,—With reference to Dr. Allen's letter in The Spectator of August 6th, I am writing to say that last month I also received a letter from Sefior M., quite correctly addressed, asking me to proceed to Mexico to help him to save the sum of $449,000 which is in bank bills hidden in a trunk that is deposited in a customs house in the United States. You will note that while Sefior M.'s English correspondents are to share in $375,000 I am to be the fortunate sharer in $449,000, presumably because I would have farther to travel, as " my " trunk is in the U.S.A. This letter reminds me of the " Spanish Prisoner " swindle in the days of my youth.
The Melbourne Age had a paragraph referring to Seftor M.'s letter, but so far I have not heard of anyone else out here being "honoured." As our famous Melbourne Cup race is run tomorrow, I have taken a ticket in Tattersall's Sweep, with probably a greater chance of winning some cash than if I went dollar hunting in Mexico.—Yours faithfully,