A Passage In The Declaration Which Issued From The Lambeth
Conference, claiming that in the conflict of Christianity with materialism the tide was turning, has raised some question even among optimists. Those who justify it do so, I......
Belief In The Growth Of Human Intelligence Is Almost...
by the strike at the London docks precipitated by the introduction of a new machine called a Stacatruc, designed to save man-power in the operation of stacking cargoes. So we......
Not Many People, I Imagine, Will Have Read Of The
fate of the famous avenue of limes in the Trinity Backs at Cambridge without recalling the well-known In Memoriam stanza : And last Up that long walk of limes I passed To see......
Ruth Draper Is, Of Course, Unique. No One, At Any
rate, whom I have ever heard, or heard of, possesses any comparable faculty. Miss Draper's capacity to take possession of a full-size stage—in this case the Haymarket's—and by......
The Widening Pact
T HERE was a good deal in the Prime Minister's speech at Guildhall on Tuesday that deserves attention, notably his suggestive references to a Commonwealth which now includes......
Surely The Harrying Of Dr. Schacht Has Been Carried Far
enough— if not too far. When once a man has undergone the protracted and searching ordeal of the Nuremberg trial and achieved complete acquittal he might well be thought......
A Spectator's Notebook
I AM not much impressed by the contention that the Democratic successes in America give - Labour here legitimate ground for counting on a safe victory at the next General......
An Answer Given This Week By The Minister Of Town
and Country Planning about the village of Letcombe Bassett, in Berkshire, threatened with the evacuation of most.of its population because it is not large enough, successfully......