Vnissic —The following is the programme for the royal corona-
tion: On the 14th is the entrance into Konigsberg ; on the 16th, the reception of the foreign envoys by their Majesties; on the 17th, a -chapter of the Black Eagle ; on the 18th, the coronation and a grand banquet ; the 19th, a drawing-room and a concert at court; the 20th, the -King, Queen, and Crown Prince, and Princess, with a small retinue, go to Dantzic ; on the 21st, at Bromberg, they are to be present at the hying of the first stone of a commemoration monu- ment; the 22nd, the entrance into Berlin; the 23rd, a drawing- room, and dinner, and grand performance at the Royal Opera-house; the 24th, a court and concert ; and the 25th, a dinner at the Crown Prince's and a ball at the Royal Palace. The ceremoily excites little attention in Berlin, but at Konigsberg rooms are unattainable, the foreign Ambassadors, Royal Princes, their suites, 233 members of the Legislature, and other distinguished personages having bought up all available accommodation. The TCing's visit to Conipiegne excites little interest in Prussia.