Portugal. Llsbon, Oct. 7.
The defective manner in which the new law ordering the stamping of bills and receipts is administered causes general complaints among the mercantile community. The ports have......
Topics Of The Day.
THE COST OF INDIAN COTTON. A NEW apprehension appears suddenly to have struck the cotton trade. They have hitherto relied, unwillingly it is true, but still relied, upon high......
FRANCE. Rims, Oct. 11. TnE Honiteur of to-day publishes a decree, according to which all cargoes of grain, flour, rice, potatoes, and dry vegetables are exempted, until......
Tece East.
CONSTANIPOPLE, Oct. 9. At the second conference of the European Commission on the sub- ject of the union of the Danubian Principalities, great differences of opinion prevailed......
Subscriptions to the "OVERLAND FRIEND OF Irma," will be received by Mr. A. E Oxiloway, at 1, Wellington-street, StrancL Terms : Per Annum, payable in advance £2. Postage free.......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAT AFTERNOON. THE principal event that has taken place in the Money Market this week has been the conclusion of an arrangement between the Bank of France and......