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OCT. 3.—The Queen, accompanied by the Princess Alice and Prince Louis of Hesse, and attended by Lay Churchill, drove yesterday to Alt-na-Guithesack, where ponies were m waiting, and Her Majesty rode to Clovar, returning home the same way in the evening. OCT. 4.—The Queen, accompanied by the Princess Ilohenlohe, Princess Louise, and Prince Leopold, drove yesterday to the Linn of Quoich. OCT. 5,—The Queen, accompanied by Princess Helena, and at- tended by Lady Churchill and Lady Augusta Bruce, drove yesterday to Loch Calater.
OCT. 6.—The Queen, accompanied by Princess Alice, Prince Louis of Hesse, and Prince Arthur, and attended by Lady Augusta Bruce, drove yesterday to Alt-na-Guithesack, and then proceeded on ponies to ascend Lochnagar, and returned in the same way in the evening.