12 OCTOBER 1867, Page 1

The sixth resolution declares the whole Church "deeply injured by

the present condition of the Church in Natal," and again a

committee is appointed to report how the Church is to be deli- vered from this scandal and "the true faith maintained." This report is not to be given to an adjonitted meeting of the Confer- ence, but to be sent to the Archbishop of Canterbury, with a reqUest that he will transmit it to every Bishop of th3 Anglican Commu- nion (including, we presume, the Bishop of Natal), and ask for their judgment thereupon. But the Bishops did not decide tow the judgment when given was to be acted upon, or to become in any way practical. The Bishops having given their opinion on the report of the committee, the-matter must, we suppose, drop. Bishop Gray cannot eject Bishop Colenso by publishing episcopal opinions against him.