12 OCTOBER 1867, page 2

The Bishop Of Ripon, Dr. Bickersteth, And The Bishop Of

Peter- borough, Dr. Jeune, neither of whom attended the Conference, have charged their clergy instead. The Bishop of Ripon seems to have touched on no doctrinal point except the......

The Swallows Crossed The Rhine This Summer Before The End

of September, a sure sign of an early, if not of a severe winter. Firing will, three weeks hence, be a necessary, and the crop has disappointed expectation. It is believed to be......

Then Comes A Most Extraordinary Resolution, Appointing A...

of seven (unnamed)plus the Bishops of London, St. David's, and Oxford, and all the Colonial Bishops, "to consider the con- stitution of a voluntary spiritual tribunal, to which......

The Eighth Resolution Explains How Much To Concede To Free

Anglican Colonial Churches. Each Church must accept all the old standards of the mother Church, but may have the right to make "such adaptations and additions to the services of......

The Empress Of The French And The Prince Imperial Have

been very nearly drowned. On Thursday week (3rd October), they had been cruising on the coast, but the sea being too high to land at Biarritz, they started in the yacht's boats......

The Sixth Resolution Declares The Whole Church "deeply...

the present condition of the Church in Natal," and again a committee is appointed to report how the Church is to be deli- vered from this scandal and "the true faith......

We Owe An Apology To The Pall Mall Gazette. It

appears from its issue of Saturday last that it had not, nor ever had, any clue at all to the author of the hoax on Miss Braddon. We can only say that no suspicion ever entered......

The Archbishop Preluded This Conference By Advising It...

attempt too much. It Certainly has gone to the length of encouraging free churches in -all the colonies, deciding how to keep them in communion with the national Church, and......

The Austrian Reichsrath Is Urging On Revolution At A Rather

breathless pace. In one morning (October 5) it decreed the im- movability of the judges, the exemption of the people from "admin- istrative control," and the subjection of all......

The Seventh Resolution Is The Famous Hypothetical One On...

we commented last week,—explaining how to get an extra Bishop in Natal, "if it be decided that a new bishop shall be consecrated,"—the Conference having characteristically......