—4— The Contemporary Review. October. (Strahan.)—Two articles in the present number of the Contemporary Review are purely secular, but we do not think this importation of profane matters at all interferes. with the prevailing religious cast of the periodical. Both Mr. Beavington Atkinson's paper on "Art in the Paris Exhibition," and Mr. James Hutton's paper on "The Subsidiary System in India," might have appeared in the Fortnightly. The other articles are, as usual, more or less theological. There is a valuable account of "William Law, his Books and his Controversies." Mr. Kitchin's "Two Proposals for Union with the Greek Church" must attract attention in these days of similar tendencies, especially as the proposals described by Mr. Kitchin date from the twelfth and eighteenth centuries. A favourable review of &se Deus! by the Rev. E. T. Vaughan ; a first article on "La Our6 d'Ars," by the editor of the Contemporary; a spirited poem on "The Symplegades," by Dr. Hayman ; and a disquisition on "Incense and
Lights," make up the number. After Mr. Perry's sketch of William Law we are inclined to give the first place to Mr. Atkinson's account of the pictures in the Paris Exhibition, for it is admirably done, and shows a breadth of sympathy and an acquaintance with foreign schools of art, both of which are somewhat rare in the critics of every nation.