Words from the Poets. Selected by C. M. Vaughan. (Macmillan.)—
Two editions of this book are on our table, one cheap, and one with illustrations. The selection is made for "the children of our parochial schools and those classes of our countrymen which they commonly represent," and the object of the selection is to give these readers. "something higher in the scale of poetical composition than th,ose brief and somewhat puerile fragments to which their knowledge was formerly restricted." Cowper, Wordsworth, and Longfellow are the anthers from. whom most is taken ; after them come Mrs. Hemel's, Trench, Tennyson, Campbell, Burns, and Moore. There is certainly something new in this. principle ; we are only afraid the choice will prove too ambitious. But this is the only possible objection, and we shall be most happy if it is. over-ruled by experience.