The Czar has at last returned the visit of the
Emperor 'of Germany. He has been fourteen months considering it, but he arrived on Friday ; and as there are plenty of excuses for the delay, the demands of etiquette are supposed to have been fulfilled. Prince Bismarck is not to be present at the interviews between the monarchs, and it is doubted whether serious business will be discussed. Certainly the approaching -visit of the German Emperor to Constantinople will not be, for that irritates the Russians too much, they believing that the visitor will offer his host a guarantee for Constantinople in return for his adhesion to the Triple Alliance. Nor will the Sovereigns speak of the approaching marriage of the Emperor's sister to the heir of the Greek Throne, for the Romanoffs wished that alliance for themselves, and see with annoyance Ilohenzollerns occupying two of the Royal palaces in the Balkan Peninsula. The whole time of the visit, which is to last only two days, will be occupied, it is said, with stately ceremonials, the principal ones being a hunt in the grand old courtly style, and an inspection of the Prussian Regiment of which the Czar is Colonel. We suppose Kings are not greatly bored by these things, or they would stop them; but cer- tainly as amusements they seem dull.