Current Literature.
GIFT-BOOKS. Fifty-two Stories for Boys and Fifty-two Stories for Girls are two volumes which appear under the editorial care of Mr. Alfred H. Miles, and are published by Messrs.......
Illustrations. Conducted By Francis George Heath....
welcome another annual volume of this very interesting magazine. Mr. Heath has several depart- ments. These are—to enumerate them in the order of the index— Amusement, Art,......
The Quiver. (cassell And Co.)—there Is Nothing To Be Said
of the Quiver that we have not said more than once before. It is a very carefully conducted magazine, up to the average of its con- temporaries in literary merit—and there is a......
Our Catholic Inheritances In The Larger Hope. By Alfred...
M.A. (Kegan Paul, Trench, and Co.)—The subject here discussed is not one that can be treated in passing, or within the space we can give to it on the present occasion. We may......
The Birds In My Garden. By W. T. Green, M.a.,
M.D. (Religious Tract Society.)—Dr. Green's book will be interesting to all lovers of birds; but it will be especially appreciated by all who, like him- self, are dwellers in......
Sunday Beading For The Young. (wells Gardner, Darton, And...
magazine supplies, on the whole with commendable success, that which it professes to give. The stories have to be cut up into small snippets, too small, we should think, for the......
The Prince Of Nursery Playmates. (sampson Low And Co.) — "
Nursery Tales, Nursery Rhymes, and Nursery Songs" constitute the contents of this volume. "Chevy Chase" is the highest flight attempted ; and there is the story in prose of......
The Maid Of Orleans. By W. H. Davenport Adams. (hutchin-
son and Co.)—Mr. Davenport Adams tells the story of the famous Maid with sufficient clearness and force. After giving a sketch of her early village life, he goes on to describe......
The Scientific Spit-it Of The Age, And Other Pleas And
Discussions. By Frances Power Cobbe. (Smith, Elder and Co.)—The first of these "Pleas," as the writer calls them, was published in the Contemporary Review, and excited, as it......
The World Of Adventure. (cassell And Co.)—this Collection...
scenes and moving accidents" is an excellent exposition of an idea which is not the less valuable because it is not new. Some of our more elderly readers will possibly remember......
Stepping - Stones To Bible History. By Annie R. Butler....
from Genesis." (Religious Tract Society.)—It strikes us that these stories are too elaborately simple in style. Children so young that they cannot understand anything more......