Among technical books, we may mention :—The Diseases and Disorders
of the Oz. By George Gresswell. (W. H. Allen and Co.) —The Bacteria in Asiatic Cholera, by E. Klein, M.D. (Macmillan), a reprint of articles published in the Practitioner, articles of which the contention was that Koch's theory of the comma-bacillus as the cause of cholera is not established.—Hygiene of the Nursery, by Louis Starr, M.D. (H. K. Lewis), a second edition.—Inebriety, by Norman Kerr, M.D. (H. K. Lewis), also a second edition.—Coki Steel, by Captain Alfred Hutton (W. Clowes and Sons), an essay by an expert on the use of foils, and also dealing with cognate subjects.—Iron and Steel Manufacture. By Arthur H. Morns. (Macmillan) —The Theory of Credit. By Henry Dunning Macleod. (Longmans.)—Synopsis of the Report of the Gold and Silver Commission. By George Howell, M.P. (King and CO.)