MAGAZINES, ETC.—We have received the following for October : —The
Art Journal, the Magazine of Art, Our Celebrities (containing the portraits of the Right Hon. James Whitehead and Mr. and Mrs. Bancroft), the English Illustrated Magazine, No. 4 of Dignitaries of the Church (containing the portraits of the Arch- bishop of Armagh, the Bishop of Bath and Wells, and the Bishop of Edinburgh), No. 16 of Artistic Japan, the Law quarterly Review, Political Science Quarterly, .Tournal of the Royal Statistical Society, the Asiatic Quarterly Review, the Archaological Review, the New Review, the Westminster Review, the London Quarterly Review, the Church Quarterly Review, the Expositor, the Theological Monthly, the Congregational Review, the Anglican Church Magazine, the Homaist, the Homiletic Magazine, the Month, the Journal of Education, the Library, the Hospital, the Photographic Quarterly, the Forum, Mind, Colburn's Magazine, the Scots Magazine, the Naval and Military Magazine, Atalanta, the Atlantic Monthly, Lippincott's Magazine, the Century, Scribner's Magazine, the Green Bag, East and West, the Irish Monthly, the Newbery House Magazine, Lucifer, the Gentleman's Magazine, Temple Bar, Belgravia, Tinsley's Magazine, the Argosy, London Society, A 1, the Indian Magazine, Good Words, Chambers's Journal, the Quiver, the Bun, the Sunday Magazine, the Leisure Hour, the Sunday at Home, the Girl's Own Paper, Harper's Young People, St. Nicholas, the Journal of American Folk-Lore.