Saint Athanasius. By the Rev. R. Wheeler Bush. !(S.P.C.K.) —This
volume is a useful addition to the series of "The Fathers for English Readers." There is a certain mystery about Athanasius which Mr. Bush does not solve, and which, indeed, it is not likely that any one will ever be able to solve. It has been truly remarked that the hostility with which Athanasius was pur- sued displayed itself in personal rather than theological accusa- tions. Charges of sacrilege and violence were brought against him, and have found believers, even in modern times. Yet they seem extravagantly absurd. What was there that made them possible ? Any likely answer to that question would dispose of a very serious difficulty. Mr. Bush has told with fair success the interesting, it might be said romantic, story of the great patriarch of Alexandria, and supplied a convenient summary of his contri- butions to the great controversy of his time and of his other writings. We do not feel particularly concerned to champion the Athanasian Creed, but it must surely be older than the date which Mr. Bush seems inclined to attribute to it—six centuries after the death of the nominal author.