My Life and Balloon Experiences. By Henry Coxwell. Second Series.
(W. H. Allen and Co.)—Mr. Coxwell's experiences are possessed of an interest of which even a bare recital is unable to deprive them. It cannot, indeed, be said that he in any way attempts to ornament his narratives. They are simply reports couched in the language which we generally attribute to the local reporter. But, as we have said, the very daring and novelty of the ascents is sufficient attraction to most readers. The famous ascent by Glaisher and Coxwell of September 5th, 1862, will remain, let us hope, unique. Mr. Coxwell's balloon voyages will at least act as a warning to those who do not possess. every quality needed for an aeronaut, against attempting a trip to Nassau or an oceanic voyage. Mr. Coxwell, indeed, seems somewhat hopeful about the probability of an Atlantic voyage being undertaken some day.