[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.]
S1R,—I should be sorry to misrepresent Dr. Major, and did
I feel myself guilty of that fault, I should apologize. But I cannot admit to more than a misunderstanding for which Dr. Major's original letter seems to me to be largely responsible. He wrote : "In the primitive Church there were many who did not believe in the Virgin Birth and yet had no doubt as to the chastity of the Lord's mother. It is the same in the Church of England today."
But if these primitive Christians were those who, in the words of Dr. Major's second letter, "had not had the Virgin Birth presented to them for their belief," the case is not the fame, and the comparison breaks down. The two sets of people are not in pan i passu. It is because I took Dr. Major's first letter to involve a strict comparison that 'I understood him to be referring to those who definitely rejected the belief in the Virgin Birth.
I quite agree with Mr. Mortimer in his statement that -.:lief in the doctrine did not necessarily carry with it belief in our Lord's divinity. But I think that the history of doctrine does decidedly tend to reveal a close connexion between the two beliefs. am, Sir, &c., J. K. MOZLEY. 3 Amen Court, St. Pours, E.C. 4.