12 OCTOBER 1934, page 15

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Trapped Rabbits • The cruelties inflicted by the toothed steel trap continue, even in further exaggerated degree, for the rabbit has multiplied beyond the normal this year.......

The Blasted Oak

• Not one but many observers have noticed that the oak is much more often struck by lightning than other trees. This liability has been particularly marked this autumn in......

A Mystery Of Migration

We all know of the attraction of particular bushes for particular insects ; but I had not before noticed this associa- tion, and the ways of this hawk moth make its appearance......

The Moth's Choice Here Is A Coincidence That May Be

worth the attention of both gardeners and students of insects. In a Hertfordshire garden I found that strange and not very common migrant insect, the humming-bird hawk moth very......

The Scree Garden

In answer to many enquirers the quarterly illustrated magazine of the Alpine Garden Society can be had from the Honorary Secretary, Flowerwood, Capel, Surrey. It is given to......

Beneficent Sprays The Discoveries Of Modern Science Are...

measure responsible for the greater success of the orchard. For example : it was found in one orchard that the popular association of sheep and apple trees had to be temporarily......

Herefordshire Trees A Certain Amount Of Afforestation...

is to he seen in the county ; and it was in one of the new plantations that a botanical wonder now decorating Kew Gardens was found. One of the larches there adopted the "......

Country Life

The Reviving Orchard The traveller in Herefordshire, that lovely and still unspoilt county, will see among other refreshing sights a heartening revival of the orchard. Many......