The Problem of Japan In spite of the unrest, actual
and menacing, in Europe the dominant political. problem in the world, in the view of many good judges, is the future of Japan. Both on the industrial and on the naval and military side the consequences of increasing Japanese competition With other nations may be momentous. In spite of this news from Japan is more scanty and less illuminating than that from any other country of comparable import_ ance. That being so, The Spectator has arranged to publish a series of articles from the pen of a highly Competent writer on economics and politics who is already familiar with Japan and is at present re-visiting the country to investigate its most recent trends. The first of his articles, which will appear next week, will deal with the all-important population question. Further articles, to follow weekly, will be devoted to Japan's general economic and financial situation, with special reference to her responsibilities in Manchukuo ; to Japanese competition in world markets ; to cross- currents in internal politics, with special reference to the coming Naval Conference ; to the conflict of interests with Russia ; and to the crucial problem of Japan and China, widening into the problem of Japan and Asia.