Financial Notes
IN the Miscellaneous section of the Stock Exchange speculative sentiment was checked a little by-the fear of.possible European troubles to arise out of the murder of King Alexander, but even before this the markets were rather quieter. In some quarters this was ascribed to the competition of new securities of which the offerings since the conclusion of the holiday season have been on quite a large scale, and with very few exceptions all have met with quick Success in attracting the money of the investor. One notable exception however was the Sheffield Corporation Loan in 3 per Cents at 981 offered in the previous week. The cash lists were opened for the advertised time, limited to one day, and apparently the full amount of 23,000,000 was not forthcoming within that time. The stock was also offered for conversion in respect of Mortgage Bonds of the Corporation, and holder; of these bonds had the option of conversion until Wednesday of this week. The cash lists were open at a moment when the Gilt-Edged Market was temporarily dull, but that 3 per cent. at 98i, with a fixed date of redemption, on a corporation issue is a rate which is not too dear for present conditions was made 'clear by the quick closing of -the sub- scription lists of the Blackpool Loan offered on the same terms, the lists for which opened and closed on Wednesday.
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