Mr. Frank Lascelles' bequest for the foundation of what he
calls a "School of Nations" prompts interesting reflections. Such a school may, or may not, be practicable. Even if it is, how far is it desirable ? The idea is to bring up children of as many nationalities as possible • together, with the aim, no doubt, of producing an internationally-minded type. In point of fact the thing is practicable, as the International School at Geneva has shown. That enterprise,' founded originally for children of the League of Nations Secretariat, has entirely satisfied its founders, and the children of some dozen or so nationalities have grown up quite cheerfully together on the basis of their native language plus French or English, or both. But this, after all, is a special case, and the attempt to inculcate internationalism pure and simple in a school, let us say,' in England is- another matter. Psychologically the development from a 'national allegiance into an international outlook is the right one, and there is not much to be said for an internationalism which attempts to take the -place of national loyalties and aspirations.- * * •