FROM THE LONDON GAZETTES. Tuesday, September 8.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.—Heaver and Wells, Slaugham, Sussex, millers—Ste- phenson and Henshaw, Idol-lane, Tower-street, wine-merchants—Moore and Green- wood, Norwich, bombasin-manufacturers—Hazard and Co. Nottingham and Staten-in- Ashfield, mercers ; as far as relates to Pyott—Gwilliam and Moon, Bristol, soap-manu- facturers—Bell and Son, Tottenham :old Great St. Helens, millers—Somerville and Gra- ham. Carlisle, milliners—Parker and Co. Northampton, boot and shoe-manufacturers- . and G. Holding, Adam-street, Adelphi, attornies—Farr awl Fisk, Beceles, attornies- S. and S. Lock, Berners.street, dyers—J. and J. \Vigilant, Edinburgh, shawl-pi:mutat:- turers—Cadell and Co. Edinburgh, booksellers—Wigg and Dersley, Loddon, Norfolk, plumbers—Edmondson and Co. Mytholmroyd, Yorkshire, worsted-spinners—Parrott and Highfield, Liverpool, timber-merchants—Currey and Co. Shoemaker-row and Fle- street, tobacconists ; as far as regards Powell—Figes and Co. New Sarum, timbur-mer- chants—Williams and Sons, Scurrier-house, Cornwall—Brendons and Co. Lawhetton, Cornwall, lime-burners ; as far as regards the Brendons—Evans and Marston, Ludlow, chemists—Poole and Cooling, Old Burlington-street, Bond-street, and Saville-street, tailors—Overbury and Co. Wiltshire, clothiers ; as far as regards B. Overbury. INSOLVENTS.—Sept. 7, G. Paola: v, Holly-place, Hampstead, builder—S. S wox- te Ebb, Rood-lane, coffee-merchant—.L PARSONS, Charlotte-terrace, Lambeth, timber- dealer—R. Wit HATE a, Greensted, Essex, farmer.
BANKRUPTCY ENLARGED.—I. HADWEN, J. SANDESIAN, and J. L. Cowl:13a Gibral- tar and Liverpool, merchants, from Sept. 15 to Sept. IS. BAsa au er.—[To surrender at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street.]—T.W Ar.. LINGTON, B. OVERRURY, sell. and T. CARTER, Cateaton-street, wholesale woollen- drapers, Sept. IS, 30, Oct. 20 : solicitors, Young and Valli ngs, St. Blildred's-court, Poultry. BANKRUPTS.—[To surrender in the Country.]—W. SELBY, Standard-hill, Notting- hamshire, lace-manufacturer, Sept. 15, 16, Oct. 20: solicitors, Hurd and Johnson, Temple—R. ENGLISH, Bath, cabinet-nudrer, Sept. 22, 28, Oct. 20 : solicitor, Mr. Wil- liams, Gray's-inn.
DivinEzens.—Sept. 30, Watkins, Liverpool, cotton-broker—Sept. 30, Welsby, Liver- pool, coal-merchant—Oct. 12, Burraston, Worcester, hop-merchant—Oct. 6, Smart, De- vizes, grocer—Sept. 30, Roscoe and Co. Liverpool, bankers—Oct. 6, Whitehead, Saddle- worth, wollen-manufacturer—Oct. 30, Eyre, Wells.street, blind-maker—Oct. 30, Gibbs, Crayford, miller—Oct. 6, Pinot, Norwich, grocer—Sept. 30, Salmon, Leeds, stuff-ruanu- facturer—Sept. 29, March, Honiton, grocer.
Cairrirt CATES to be g-ron led, unless cause be shown to the contrary coop before Sept. 29.—James, Lombard-street, bill-broker —Emett, Downend, Gloucestershire, stone- quarryman—Betterton, Ampney-Crucis, Gloucestershire, seedsman—Harding,sen. Bris- tol, brush-maker—Bray, Red Lion-yard, St. Giles-in-the-Fields, horse-dealer—Ogle, .011erton, Nottinghamshire, seedsman—Shipley, Bagshot and Staines, coach-master- Srewer, Mristol, ma-factor. Friday, Sept. 11. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.—Cooke and Co. High-street, Wapping, slop-seners Harrison and Gretton, Whitchurch, surgeons—Cussons and Co., Manchester and jTi ham, cotton-spinners—Atkin and Affieck, Blackburn, linen-drapers—Gerrans ti Squibb, East Cowes, rope-manufacturers—Taylor, Pancras-lane, and Taylor, Illaneean. ter—Webster and Sons, Leeds, woollen-cloth-manufacturers; as far as regards A 1d. 1). Webster—Storr and Nell, Grantham, booksellers—Burman and Smith, Cpper.Fast Smithfield, surgeons—Binns and Bullmon, Oldham, cotton-spinners--Wilson and Itre'wo Fore-street, Lambeth, flour-factors—Walker and Co. Halifax, fancy-cloth.manufac' turers—Gregory and Co. Nottingham, bone-merchants—Taylor and Co. Sharpies Lau; cashire, bleachers ; as far as regards Wolstenholm—Dyson and Fraser, jun. Wis'bearl. St. Peter's, chemists—Cox and Farrar& Goswell-street, soap-manufacturers—Willhan' son and Hart, Lotlibury, Black wellhall-factors--Wigglesworth and Green, Newhuid, Yorkshire, tanners—Tillard and Co. Wilne-mills, Derbyshire, cotton-spinners ; as far as regards Eaton.
INS oLvENT.—Sept. 10, J. STEEL, Southwark-bridge•road, Surrey, BANKRUPTCY ENLAR0ED.—W.BuLLAno, 91:Oilstone, chemist, from Sept.8 to Sept.
BANKRUPRCY Sc' Lisa SEDEL.—S. COOK, Alie-street, Goodman's-fields, upholsterer" BANKRUPTS.—[To surrender at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinglia1l-street.]-1V. BL;s- TaltMAN, Kiugsland-wharf, whartinger, Sept. 15, 25, Oct. 23: solicitor, Mr. Bounlillon Bread-street, Cheapside—J. W. Leos, Bouverie-street, Fleet-street, merchant, Sept.I9' 25, Oct. 23 : solicitor, Mr. Isaacs, St. Mary-axe—J. RUDLAND, Bulstrode-mews, Mary: lebone-lane, stable-keeper, Sept, 18, 25, Oct. 28: solicitor, Mr. Robinson, Orehard-sireet —A. HAMMICK, Long-acre, coach-maker, Sept. 15, 22, Oct. 23. solicitors, Selby, tier- jeant's-inn—R. Pottud, Cavendish-street, Roston, builder,'Sept. 15, 22, Oct. 23: solid. tors, Vandercom and Comyn, Bush-lane, Cannon.street—IV. Planta, Stock, Essex builder, Sept. 18, 25, Oct. 23: solicitor, Mr. Wood, Richmond-buildings, iirreneoca, Old Fool-lane, Bow, brewer, Sept. IS, 25, Oct. 23: solicitor, Mr.U'ood, Richmond-buildings, Soho—J. Hitt, Red Lion-wharf, City-basin, and Red Lien-streo, Holborn, coal-merchant, Sept. 18, 25, Oct. 23 : solicitor, Mr. Longhorn, CrlIteheIlfriar. BANKRUPTS.—[To surrender in the Con atry.--J. STEPHENSON, Manchester, chant, Sept. 28,30, Oct. 23 : solicitors, ]llackstock and Bunce, Temple—C. K u Goytree, Monmouthshire, miller, Sept. 21, 22, Oct. 23 : solicitors, Parker and Johnsoo, Bristol—A. Fotrrii and G. As et N WALL, Blanchester, girth-web-manufacturers, 24, 29, Oci.23 : solicitors, Makinson and Sandets,Middle Temple—J. Axsixs 0 N, !.- 1 , deer, Sept. 24, 25,0ct. 23: solicitors, Milne and Parry, Temple.
viorricos.—Nov.3, Osier, Helston, Cornwall, grocer—Oct. 8, Shrowl, Sheweii. Mullett, draper—Oct. 2, Bugg, Tattershall, Lincolnshire, scrivener—Oct. 2, Wood, think castle, tailor—Oct 2, Pannell, Horiwastle, cooper—Oct. 2, Avery, New 13ond.street, sil- versmith—Oct 2, Badcock, Gutter-lane, Cheapside, warehouseman—Oct. 2, Stangroom, Perceval-street, Clerkenwell, plumber—Oct. 13, Strutton, Commercial-road, Lambeth, timber-merchant—Oct. 6, Wilkinson, Barge-yard, Bucklersbury, men:Inuit-0s. 2, Goodhugh, Glasshouse-street, St. James's, fishmonger, Oct. 2, Drake, S1101.019,11, eii.. mini—Oct. 3, Dobson, Leeds, woollen-cloth. merchant—Oct. 5, Walker, Ormshirk, draper-0 et. 9, Waite, Chipping-Lambourne, tailor.
CERTI SI caTES to be grunted, unless eausc he shown to the contrary, on or before Oil. 2. —Anderson, \Vest Smithfield, bookseller—Niers, Strand, jeweller—Pound, Brudenell. place, New North-road, builder—Knowles, Cuckfield, common-carrier—Fox, Surrey. row, Blackfriars-road, druggist— Morgan, Rope.makers'-fields, plumber —Newman, Stockwell-park, Brixton, and Streatham-park, cow-keeper.