The Army.
OFFICE OF ORDNANCE, Sept. 7. — Royal Reg. of Artillery : Sec. Capt. F. Wright, to be Adj. vice Romer, appointed Gar. Quar.-mas.; Capt. E. J. Bridges, from unattached half-pay,......
East India Shipping. Friday Evening.
The Hope, Morse, from Bengal to Liverpool, was wrecked on Fisherman's Flat, near Calcutta, on the 4th April. Arrived.—At Gravesend, Sept. 5, Cleopatra, Young, from New South......
Literary Announcements.
BOOKS IN THE PRESS AND PREPARINO FOR PUBLICATION. Sir Waiter Scott is preparing a History of Scotland from the earliest period of au- thentic record to tbe Union of the Crowns.......
London Markets.
CORN EXCHANGE, FRIDAY, SEPT. 11. The supply of Grain in general this week is very tnoderate ; the trade, neverih , 4,s. is dull, though with little variation in prices since......
From The London Gazettes. Tuesday, September 8.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.—Heaver and Wells, Slaugham, Sussex, millers—Ste- phenson and Henshaw, Idol-lane, Tower-street, wine-merchants—Moore and Green- wood, Norwich,......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
B arna.—On the ad inst. at Wentworth, Viscountess Milton, of a daughter—At Chemin the Lady of It. Vernon Smith, Esq. M.P. of a daughter—On the 7th inst. at Langham-place, the......