Sir Waiter Scott is preparing a History of Scotland from the earliest period of au- thentic record to tbe Union of the Crowns. This work will be published on the 1st of November, being the first volume of Dr. Lardner's CabinetCyclopedia. In conjunction with Sir Walter Scott, are engaged Sir James Mackintosh and Mr. Thomas Moore, the one for the history of England, and the other for that of , Ireland—Mr. Cooper, the American novelist, has nearly ready for publication a neltale called the Borderers— A monthly Edinburgh Jourual of Natural and Geographical Science, conducted by an Association of Naturalists, is about to appear—A new Annual, announced to be upon a more enlarged and splendid scale than any hitherto undertaken, is in active prepara- tion—It is to be entitled" the Landscape Annual, or the Tourist in Switzerland and Italy;" and will be published by Mr. Jennings, with its contemporaries, about November. The literary department is conducted by Mr. T.Roscoe--Mr. Richards, (for- merly a lieutenant in the Hanoverian service) is employed on Devereux, having already given Pelham and the Disowned a German dress. There is nearly ready for publication, a second edition of the works of George Peele, collected and edited, with some Account of his Life and Writings, by the Rev. Alexander Dyce—The fourth volume of Russell's Works of the English and Scottish Reformers—A third edition of the FamilittriTreatise on the Human Eye, by Francis West, optician—Selections from the German, in Prose awl Poetry, fur the use of the students in the University of London, by L. Von Muhlenfels, LL.D.; and Lectures Preliminary to the Study of German Literature, by the same- Secolid Edition of Compton's Savings Bank Assistant ; with the Report of a Committee of the House of Commons on Life Annuities in Connexion with Savings Banks.
Bell's Anatomy, 7th edition, 3 vols. 8vo. 21. 12s. bds.—Nursey's Evening, and other Poems, post Svo. 7s. Gd. bds.—Jones and Kingston's Flora Devouiensis, 8vo. 16x. bus.— Ten Introductory Lectures at the London University, Svo. 12s. bds.—Foreign Quarterly Review, Vol. I to IV. Svo. N. bds.—Picture of Australia, post Sim. 10s. 6d. bds.—Ditt- logues on Prophecy, Vol. III. Svo. 12s. Irds.—Palairet's Thesaurus Ellipsium Latinarum, by Barker, Svo. Sc. tid. lids.