Another revolution in Servia would seem to be more than
possible. Those officers who were not implicated in the murders of King Alexander and Queen Draga are indignant at the ascendency which the criminals have obtained, and have petitioned King Peter to bring them to trial. The latter declared that if they were to be tried they would publish documents proving that the King was privy to the conspiracy, and the King thereupon rejected the petition. The discon- tented officers then began plotting his dethronement, if not his execution ; and it became necessary to arrest twenty-eight of their number, who, however, have contrived to publish a proclamation adjuring their comrades to remain firm. As the dissatisfied officers are greatly in the majority, as they cannot all be made Ministers, and as the people sympathise heartily with their discontent, the position of the King is most .insecure. If there were an Obrenovitch available, he would be dethroned, and even as it is he may be forced to abdicate in favour of his son. It is Roman history over again. The armies on the frontier are quarrelling with the Pretorians of the capital, and the Emperor, being only a Claudius, cannot fully control either of them. It is said that the road out of the imbroglio will be a declaration of war either with Turkey or Bulgaria ; but Belgrade is a city of rumours, which usually prove false. Besides, where are the funds ?