12 SEPTEMBER 1903, page 14

Sir Michael Hicks Beach On The Fiscal Controversy.

[To TEE EDITOR OF. THE "SPECTATOR,"] Siu,—In the Spectator of August 29th you commented upon an article by Sir Michael Hicks Beach in the Monthly Beview, and you quoted and......

[to Try Editor Of Tue "spectator."] Sir,—" Janitor"...

the Spectator of August 29th, but does not attempt to prove, that Free-trade has ruined the English leather glove industry. There is no truth in the assertion. Glove-making is a......

[to The Editor Op Tim "epectator.".1 Sin,—it Would Be...

to know on what your corre- spondent "Free-Trader," in the Spectator of August 29th, bases his apprehension that the pottery trade is "rapidly being ruined." If such were the......

Ruined Trades.

[TO THE EDITOR OF TIM "SPROTAT0R:] SIR, — I understand that you have been canvassing Protec- tionists in search of a " ruined industry," and that your search for one in this......