[To TUE EDTTOR Of TED " SPECTATOR."J SfE,"As a subeciiber
to the Spectator for some thirty years, may I ask you to reprint the enclosed paragraph P-1 "As regards the possible or probable results of this present war I venture to think that we have no interests which are not identical with the Christian population of Turkey. We have no interest in keeping even Constantinople in its present hands: Those hands are notoriously corrupt as well as weak. What the Duke of Wellington regarded with hope in 1829 we can afford to regard at least with equanimity in 1877. These are his words, and with them I conclude : There is no doubt it would have been more fortunate and better for the world if the treaty of Adrianople had not been signed, and if the Russians had entered Constantinople, and if the Turkish Empire had been dissolved?"— The Dims or ARGYLL in the Contemporary Review for July, 1877.