[To THE EDITOR OD THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I might add to your note on Mr. Cross's letter in the Spectator of September 5th that no useful comparison can be made between the savings-banks of England and Germany. We are far ahead of her in our banking system. Branches and agencies of the big joint-stock banks have multiplied greatly within the last few years, and innumerable small deposit and current accounts have been opened by little village tradesmen, small farmers, and others (including the clergy for parish purposes) who formerly would have used the savings-bank—I am, Sir, &c., A COITNTRY BANKER.
[Mr. Cross's comparison was between Britain and America; but that does not lessen the value of our correspondent's con- tention as to the growth of small deposits in ordinary, as opposed to savings, banks.—En. Spectator.]