12 SEPTEMBER 1903, Page 24

NEW EDITION8.—The Life of Richard Cobden. By John Morley, (T.

Fisher Unwin. 2s. 6d. net.)—This edition, which ,certainly gives an astonishing amount of mattei for the modest price— close upon a thousand pages for half-a-crown—is furnished with a bibliography covering six pages and enumerating more than a hundred .volumes.---Letters from High LatitUdes. . By. the Marquess of Dufferin. (John Murray. 2s. 6d. net.)—It is hardly necessary to remind our readers that the writer of these letters was not Marquess of Dufferin, but Lord Dufferin, a young man of twenty-two, bubbling over with fun. The humour does not quite appeal to present-day tastes—witness the account of the first public dinner in Iceland—but we are glad to see the book again