NEW EDITION8.—The Life of Richard Cobden. By John Morley, (T.
Fisher Unwin. 2s. 6d. net.)—This edition, which ,certainly gives an astonishing amount of mattei for the modest price— close upon a thousand pages for half-a-crown—is furnished with a bibliography covering six pages and enumerating more than a hundred .volumes.---Letters from High LatitUdes. . By. the Marquess of Dufferin. (John Murray. 2s. 6d. net.)—It is hardly necessary to remind our readers that the writer of these letters was not Marquess of Dufferin, but Lord Dufferin, a young man of twenty-two, bubbling over with fun. The humour does not quite appeal to present-day tastes—witness the account of the first public dinner in Iceland—but we are glad to see the book again