ebe 'num PRINCE ALBERT has returned to his Queen, after
the brief visit of con- dolence to his relatives. His Royal Highness arrived at Gotha on the 31st March ; and after spending three days with his family, set out for England on the 3d instant. He landed at Dover from the Princess Alice war-steamer, at two o'clock on Thursday afternoon ; and was re- ceived by the local Military authorities with the usual honours. His Royal Highness was accompanied by Prince Leiningen, and attended by Captain Seymour and Mr. Lewis : Mr. Anson joined the party at Dover. Prince Albert came to town by the South-eastern Railway : proceeded to Slough by the Great Western Railway ; and arrived at the Castle, in one of the royal carriages, without any escort, at half-past six o'clock.
The Queen, with her guests, the King and Queen of the Belgians, has taken daily walks and drives. The Dutchess of Kent joins the dinner-circle at the Castle in the evening.
The Earl of Dunmore and Prince Leiningen have arrived as visiters at the Castle.
Visits have passed between the Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge and the Dutchess of Gloucester. The Duke and Dutchess of Cam- bridge went to the Italian Opera on Tuesday ; to Drury Lane Theatre on Wednesday.