The Raffaelle Tapestries.
THE set of Tapestries, wrought from the Cartoons of RAFFA.ELLE under the superintendence of two of his pupils, which LEO the Tenth pre- sented to HENRY the Eighth, have found......
The Registrar-general's Report Of Bre.rns, Deaths, And...
BESIDES the clear display of collected facts in various phases, this volume, unlike the generality of statistical documents emanating from public offices, contains a variety of......
Fine Arts.
THE AMATEURS' PORTFOLIO OF SKETCHES. TEM amateurs, emulating the example of their professional brethren, have clubbed their talents to produce a volume of sketches ; and a very......
Military Gazette.
Wart-orrrce. April 12.-8th Light Drags.—Cornet E. Tomkinsou to be Lieut. by par- chase, vice Smythe. who retire,; the Hon. O. F. Toler to be Cornet, by purchase; vice Tomkiusun.......