On the 6th February. at Bellary, the Wife of Captain ATWELL LANE, Madras Engi-- fleece, of a son.
011 the 12th. at Secunderabad. the Lady of WILL/AM WILBY, Esq., of the Fourth or - King's Own Regiment, of a son.
On the 4th April. at Chester, the Lady of Sir EDWARD Watarre, of a son. On the 9th, at Reading, the Lady of Major-General Ticxem.,C.B., Bengal Engineers, of a son.
On the 6th, at Bedford, the Lady of the Rev. CHARLES BRERETON, of a daughter.
Oa the 7th, at Wester Coates House, Edinburgh, the Lady of Lieutenant-Colonel- J. Low. C.B., of a daughter.
On the 9th, in Stanhope Street, Hyde Park Gardens, the Lady of Captain BISHOP CULPEPER. or a son and heir.
On the 9th, at Windsor. the Lady of Captain MOORSOM, Scots Fusilier Guards, °fawn. Oi: the 10th. at Kempshott Pak, Hants, the Wife of the Rev. JLIHN Laway.h. Rector of Hampreston. Daunt, of a son.
Oa the 10th February, at Bombay, J. D. INVERARITY. Esq., Bombay Civil Service, to MARIA MARTHA, ebiest daughter of ions Pozunto WILLOUGHBY, Esq., Chief Secretary to Government, and Provisb-nal Member of Council. Oa the 18th March. at Faruham. Major DUBERLEY, of the Sixty-fourth Regiment, son of the late Sir James Duherley, of Gaines. Huntingdonshire, to KATHARINE. POWELL, daughter Of the late Wsimara LOCKE. Esq., M.P., of Rua deterd House, Wilts. On the 9th April, at Sr. Martin's Chinch, the Earl or ARDYNE, eldest sou of the Marquis of HUSTLE, to MARY AWITHNETTA. Only surviving daughter of the Rev. P. W. PERLIS and the Giuntess Dow4ger of LINDSEY, arid hall-sister of the Earl of Lindsey.
On the 9th. at BI Thum, Sir JOHN DEAN PAUL. Bart., or Rodborough. Gloucestershire, to ELIZABETH, youngest daughter f SAMUEL, late Lord Bishop of St. Aoaph.
On the 9th. at All Saints' Church. Southampton, WILLIAM STERNDALE Bsarmarr,, Esq., of Upper Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square, to Maser ANNE, only daughter or JAMES WOOD, Esq., Royal Navy. On the 9th, at Lay tOU, CHARLOTTE. fourth daughter of Jona Manantem Esq., M.P., 10 ROBERT, SOU of ISAAC BRAITHWAITE, Esq., or Kendal.
Ou the 9th, at :-t. Juba's, Paddiugtou, FRANCIS ALFRED, fourth son of the late Gene- ral Sir SAMUEL HAWKER, 10 MARY ANNE, elder daughier of the late HENRY VIONE, Esq.,. of Church Hill, Walthamstow.
Oa the 9th, at St. Martiu's-in the-Fields, Mr. ALEXANDER CADOTTE. otherwise NOT- ENN-A-ARM, or " the Strong Wirid," the ioterpreter of the party of Ojibbeway Ludlam:1- mm in this country, of Sandwich. Upper Canada, to Sallee, third daughter of Mr. HENRY HAYNES, of George Street, Hasbro Square.
Ou the 10th, at Marylehoue Church, Captain CHAMBERS, Madras Fusiliers, youngest son of the late Sir Samuel Chambers, oi Bredgar House, Kent, to Eziza, eldest daughter Of ROBERT HAND, Esq., of Great Cumberland Place. and Rictrouud, Surrey.
On the 101h, at Hatfield. Harts, the Rev. It. DAVIES. of Corpus Christi College, Cam- bridge, to Cacima Geascrassi, second daughter of the Rev. J. F. FAMMG.L. Rector of Hatfield.
On the 10th, at Cheltenham. GEORGE Da Honour. Esq.. Barrister at Law, to Josarirism, third daughter of Rear-Admiral Sir JOSIAH 010HILL COOHILL, Bart., of Bel- vedere House, in the County of Dulaiu.
On the 10th, at Danbury, the Rev. Mamas! B. ABET, Vicar of Little Badow, Essex, to Enixzw, daughter of the Rev. B. H. Bari ors, Rector of Danbury.
Ou the 10th, at Lee, Kent. Tausias Scow, Esq., the younger. of Wan. chop", Hoxburglishire, to CATHERINE JANE, daughter of B. Harelips, Esq., of Ravens- bourn Park.
On the 10th, at St. George's Church. Dublin, WILLIAM WILSON CARUS Vl'itsciar junior,. Esq.. or Ca.sterton Hall. Westmorelaud. to MARY LETABI.ERE, daughter of KOWARD Lta-rox, Esq. Master in Chaucery, arid law M.P. for Culerniue.
On the 15th January, at Macao, JOHN LEATHLEY, Esq., second son of the late William Leathley, Esq., of Upper Bedford Place, and nephew of Mr. Juatice Marie.
On the 24th, in Camp, at Gwalior, ALEXANDER MACQUI,EN, Esq., M.D., of her Ma- jesty's Third Foot, son of the late Donald :dam:preen, Esq., 01 Curryhrough. laver- ness-shire ; making the firth son of that family who has fatten a sacrifice to military service.
On the 22d February, in Bombay. Captain CHARLES Germs, of the Company's. Service, eau of the late Rev. Isaac Dorton, ur Kea. ick, Cumberland.
On the 29th March, at Hastings, the Rev. Eowaxo ItsvaLey MITFORD, youngest son of John Milford, Esq. ; in his 3211 year. On the 31st, at Inehbrayoek. near Montrose. ANNE, the Wife of Mojor-General- ARCHIBALD WATSON, of the Bengal Light Cavalry. Our the 31st, at Blandlord, Dorset, Lieutenant- Colonel Smarm. Ciassatema. late of- Cite Madras Artillery. On the 4th April, at Alverstone, Gloucestershire, WILLIAM Nome TONGS, Esq„ Commander RN.; in his 67111 year. Ou the 5th, at Finchley, Lieutenant-General ANTHONY SAININ, late of the county of Durham ; in histi6th year. On the 5th. at Bah. Captain GRAMME BRABAZON PONSONBY Awoca. of the Bengal. Eugineers ; in his Moth year. Ou the 6th, at Ipswich, the Rev. FRANCIS COBBOLD, Rector of Humuley, Suffolk; In. his gist year.
On the Ott,, at Bishop's Stortford. Mrs. MARY Lane-roe ; in her 93d year. Ou the 6th, at Kirkby Mallory. Leicestershire, the Hon. CARI/LINK ttusestt. youugast daughter of the Baroness de Clifford aria the late John Russell, Esq.; La her 12th year. On the 7th, at Bury St. Edmunds, Lord ARMORS, Lord Chief Baron or the Ell- chequer ;itt his 761h year. On the 7th, at Cromer, Malty ALEXANDER, Spinster, youngest daughter of the late Wwwata, eldest brother of James, &at Karl of Welton ; in her 75th year, On the 7th. at Rose Hill, Chesterfield. the Rev. Eowsan Hraraeorz; in his 82d yeas. On the 81h. NAV...Raze Ilituni.,y. Esq., or Itanafirld Hall, in Suffolk ; in his 813th year. Oa the on,, nt Caw,and. 1,e,r MVO 1pOrr. Sir CHARLES-MARI/ WENTWORTH, Bart. On the 10th, at harrow.on-Treat, Derby, FELICIA, second daughter of the late Lord
On the 11th. at Fortun Lodge, Hants, Mamma= KEZIA, wife of Rear Admiral Sir B. Carman. Lately, at his seat in Dorsetohire, General Joint MICHEL ; in his 79th year.