ARRIVED-At Gravesend, 6th instant, St. Helier, Priaulx. from Sydney; Dublin,
Duttiam, from Port Phillip.; Juliet, Alexander, from China; Seriugapatam, Faked- son. from Calcutta; and Speed. Wheelwright, from Mauritius; 7th, Britannia, Har- die, from Calcutta ; 8th. Jolla Cree, Rodgerson; and Elizabeth Walker, Currie, from. Sing Tore; Di-mond. Taylor, from Calcutta ; Tigris, Linton, from Ceylon ; aud Bri- tish Queen. Brown, from Mauritius; 9th, W. S. Hamilton, Brown, from Singapore; and Charlotte, Hawkins. from Calcutta; lOtli, City of Loudon, Mania, from Mauri- tius; and 11,1,. Urgent, Marshall; and Stag. Young. from Calcutta. In the Downs; 61.11, Walker, Keay, from China. Jif Plymouth, 11th, Ellenborough, Close, from Cal- cutta. Off Falmouth, John Brown. Thornhill ; and Cynthia. from Manilla • and Gos- hawk. Ritchie, from Mauritius. At Liverpool, 9th. Walltarn Turner. floats. from Mauritius; and 11th. Beethoven. Taylor, from Bombay. At Greeuock, 5ah. Fink, Patterson, from Bombay. At Leith, 3d, Mary Mackie, from Mauritius. At Madras,, 411, Feb. Lady Flora, Ford, from London. At Calcutta, 5th Ditto, Corinna. Bray. from Liverpool. At Singapore, 28th Jan. wetherall, Hall; Senator, Varty ; Harbin- ger. Candlish; and Royal Sovereign, from Liverpool. At China. 20th Jan. Oriental, Wardle, from London; Allerion„ Phillips; and Emperor. —. from Liverpool. SATLILD-From Gravesend. 9th iustant, Marquis or Bate. Miller, fur China; British* Sovereign, Cow, for the Cape and Ceylon; 611h, John Knox. Cieland. for Bombay; 7th. Otiental. Wilcox ; and Earl Dutharn, Cabrl. fur ditto; Ott,, Africa. Baxter. foe Ceylon; 9th. Parsee, Chivers, for Calcutta; and Sophia. Johns, for Bambay; 10th„ Tanjore. Stewart, fur Calcutta; and Ilth. Timandra, Skinner, for ditto. From Liver- pool. 4th. Male, Sproule; and Bahamian, Pearson, for China; 6th, Flora Kerr, M'Nidder, for Calcutta; and Isabella Thompson, Rowell, for Ceylon; 10th, Syren, H token, for Calcutta; and Themes Sparkes, Matches, for Bombay. From Greenock. d, Hannah Kerr, M'Kuday, for Bombay.
Atiroveo-Off Portamouth, 12th instant, Hugh Walker, Shanks, from Mauilia; and
Victoria. Sinclair, from New Zealand. Off Torbay, ditto, Euxine, l'il•Miliati. front Bombay. At the Cape, 17th Feb. John Brewer. Brown. from Chian; Ano. 'Pryer. from Calcut.a; and Herefordahire, Richardson, from Bombay. At Batavia, Sovereign. —, from the Clyde.