13 APRIL 1844, Page 9



-There was a rush of the public to invest the amount of the Dividends paid en Tuesday; the Government-broker has been a daily purchaser on account of the Savings Banks and of the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt, both for the purpose of investing money paid for Terminable Annuities


and that portion of the surplus revenue which s to be applied to the extinction of the debt : these circumstances caused a rise of 1 per cent in the price of Government Securities ; and both yesterday and on Wednesday Consols for Money were done at 1001, and Reduced Three per Cents at 100; New Threes sod-a-half per Cents reaching 1041, and Reduced Three-and-a-half per Cents 103k ex div. A sale of 100,000/. Consols and 70,000/. New Three-and-a-half per Cents by the broker fir the Scotch Banks, however, caused a depression of per cent Consols; declining to 1001, and Reduced Three per Cents to 991. But the market speedily recovered, and alter some slight fluctuation, the closing price of Consols is today 1001 k. The settlement of the Consol Ac- count occurred today, and it was anticipated that Stock would have been very scarce; but, though in some instances a small premium was paid to borrow Consols till the May account, there was a plentiful supply of Stock, those who had it being in most cases ready to lend it, and thus obtain the use of the money without interest till the 28th May. The amount applicable for the purposes of the Sinking Fund during the current quarter is 361,825/. Si. 5d.; whereof 61,8251. 5s. 5d. is to be applied to the purchase of Stock, and 300,0001. to the extinction of Exchequer Bills issued under the C4lint'SC

57th George III. cap. 48, commonly called Deficiency • The renewal of the Bank Charter will be one of the Mletirte

alit_. cussion upon the reassembling of Parliament, and nothiggliti,kti ' rof

tention of the Government. There is a belief, howeillya traders, that some general measure affecting the currency %AO be restrictions imposed upon the Private Bank note circulatio'

sequently an indisposition to enter into any large engagement/ Castra4014til4dilla is settled. From the price of Bank Stock, which is today 200 to 201 ex divi- dend, it is quite clear that the prevailing opinion is that the Charter will be renewed upon nearly the same terms as at present.

The Directors of the South Sea Company have issued to their Proprietor, a proposal for the formation of a Company to be called the "Trust Company "; to consist entirely of such Proprietors of South Sea Stock as may be inclined to subscribe the Stock now in their possession for that purpose ; and it is proposed to commence business as soon as the amount subscribed shall reach 500,000L The Directors of the new Company are to be selected from the Directors, ex- Directors, and Proprietors of the South Sea Company; and the accounts are to be kept entirely apart. It is intended in the first instance to confine the operations of the Company to the administration of such funds as relate to the personal estate ; but eventually, the scheme is intended to embrace every description of trust property. The advantage to the Company will arise from the economical conduct of its affairs, by the officers of the existing South Sea Company ; and, we believe, it is anticipated that a commission of 1 per cent will yield an ample return, while so moderate a charge will induce the publiz to participate largely in the advantages offered to them. The scheme is generally popular with the South Sea Stockholders ; though, by pro- viding for the continuance of the Company, it puts an end to an expect- ation that has been long entertained, that the Company itself will be broken up, the business transferred to the Bank, and the amount realized by the sale (tithe premises, together with a balance which is supposed to have accumulated, divided among the present proprietors. In the Foreign Market, the business has not been of a very important cha- racter. Spanish Stock has experienced some fluctuation ; but the result has been to establish the closing quotation of today nearly the same as last week.. The South American Bonds are generally heavy as compared with recent prices. Mexican Stock has declined more than 1 per cent, but has raffia slightly. The Committee of the Stock Exchange have decided not to recog- nize the recent issue of 100,000/. Mexican Stock by Messrs. LIZARD', although such issue is sanctioned by a decree of the Government; and have reaolved that the bonds so issued shall not be allowed to pass current in the settlement of bargains made in Mexican Stock.

The business of the Railway Share-market has not been so extensive se usual. Speculation in some of the new lines appears to have received a check„ and few of them bear any premium. Of the French lines, the Paris and. Rouen are the most in demand ; while the temporary favour enjoyed by the Strasbourg and Basle has completely died away; these shares being nearly 31. below the highest quotations.

SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK. The English Funds are 1 per cent lower than yesterday ; Consols both for Money and Account being 1001 *-

The Foreign Funds aae without change.

The only circumstance worthy of notice in the Railway Shares is a demand for Paris and Orlean Shares, in consequence of an increase of 17,000 francs in the receipts of the last week. The following are the Shares in whit-h business, has occurred : Caledonian, 5i ; Chester and Holyhead, 76 ; Dublin and Cashel. 51 ; Eastern Counties, New Registered, 14k; Great Western, 70k; Ditto, Fifths, 191 1; Hull and Selby, 591; Liverpool and Manchester, 227 ; North British, 3; North Midland, 90; South-eastern and Dover, 361. Mines : Eu- lanos, 7; Santiago de Cuba, 9.


The English Funds close 1 per cent advance on the morning's quotations.

In the Foreign Market, the business has been unimportant ; and with the exception of Spanish Stock, prices are generally the same. These latter have improved without the occurrence of any business worthy remark : the Three per Cents closing at 37/ 1, and the Five per Cents Active at 261 1. We have to notice the following transactions in Shares in addition to those given in the morning: Railways—Birmingham and Gloucester, 94 3i ; Ditto, New, 7k ; Chester and Holyhead, 7k 4; Dublin and Cashel, 51 k ; Eastern. Counties, 121 1; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 66/ 51; Ditto, Quarter-Shares, Registered, 161; Great Western, 109k; Ditto, Half-Shares, 701 ; Harwich, (Braithwaite's.) 3; Hull and Selby, 591; Brighton, 44f 4; South-western, 84; Manchester and Birmingham, 481, Newcastle and Darlington Junction, 411 21 1 ; North Midland, 90; Sheffield, Manchester, and Ashton-under- Lyne, Quarter-Shares, 81; South-eastern and Dover, 36 51; Paris and Or- leans, 361; Strasburg and Basle, 111 k 1 ; London and Westminster Bank, 25.

3 per Cent Consols

1001 4 Colombian ex Venezuela ... 10 154 Ditto for Account

104 f Danish 3 per Cents 88 9 3 per Cent Reduced

99 I Dutch 24 per Cents 61 4 31 per Cent Ditto ..

103 t Ditto 5 per Cents .... ...... 101 4 New 34 per Cents ..

104 f Mexican 5 per Cents Cousd . 351 6 Bank Stock

ex div.

200 I Ditto Defer, ed 151 16 .1 Exchequer Bills prem. 74 76 Portuguese New 5 p. Cts.I841

96 7 ,

India Stock

294 5 Russian 5 per Cents

115 17 1

Biaziliau 5 per Cents

80 I Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 264 4 Belgian 5 per Cents

104 5 Ditto 3 uer Cents 1842

574 4

Chaim' 6 per Cents

102 4 Venezuela Active 391 404