The Cologne Gazette, of the 4th instant, publishes the following
letter from Naples of the 23d March- " We have just beard that serious disorders have simultaneously taken place on several points in Sicily. The people, excited by political passions and suf- fering from hunger, cried, The Constitution and Liberty for ever ! ' At Messina, several hundred persons are said to have been either killed or wounded in an encounter with the troops. In most of the towns armed parties arrived from the country, calling for bread. The lower classes had everywhere made common cause with them. The Government, we are told, has sent from Naples a considerable number of troops; but their embarkation was secretly effected ; the authorities diatruating the loyalty of the inhabitants. Even in the capital a certain agitation has manifested itself ; and the desire for a con- stitution is now so general that it will soon be the rallying cry all over the kingdom."