The Prime Minister went on to say that our losses
in the battle, though exaggerated by the enemy, had been very great, and had made serious calls on our reserves, which must therefore be re- plenished. Germany clearly aimed at a military decision within the next seven or eight months of prolonged battle. She was putting _forward her whole strength, and we must maintain Our strength at all costs. At present the Allies had reserves of man-power equal to the enemy's, but the Germans would have their 1920 class, of five hundred and fifty thousand youths of eighteen and a half years of age, ready for this year's campaign. We had raised six million men for the Navy and Army. We could not raise so large a pro- portion of our population as other belligerents did, in view of our shipbuilding and manufacturing industries. But we must increase very materially our reserves for reinforcing our armies in the field during this battle.