A Most Cheering And Important Piece Of News Is The
Admiralty statement that only four large merchant ships and two smaller ships were sunk last week by mine or submarine. In the previous week five large and six small vessels......
On Saturday Last, Sunday, And Monday There Was Sharp...
south of the Somme, as the result of which we advanced our lines again close to the river and took some prisoners. The French foiled the enemy's renewed attempts to climb the......
On Tuesday The Battle Took A New Turn. After A
heavy bombard- ment, the enemy attacked the sector north of La, Bessie, which has been held for some time by the Portuguese Army in co-opera- tion with British troops. Under......
The Facts About The Battle, Mr. Lloyd George Continued, Were
imperfectly known. At one time it was very critical. The enemy broke through between our Third and Fifth Armies, and there was a serious gap. The magnificent conduct of our......
On Friday Week The Germans In Great Force Attacked Our
stubborn front north of the Somme, as far as Bucquoy. They employed ten divisions, but were repulsed with immense losses. At two points on the Ancre south of Albert they got......
On Thursday Week, The Fifteenth Day Of The Battle Of
Amiens, the enemy made a great effort south of the Somme to improve his front between the river and Montdidier. By sheer weight of numbers he pressed back the British troops a......
News Of The Week.
T HE battle- front in France has been extended on both flanks during the week, and the fiercest fighting rages, as we write, on the sector north of La Bassee, while the critical......
When Parliament Reassembled On Tuesday, The Prime...
new Military Service Bill. It would involve, be said, extreme sacrifices on the part of large classes, only to be Justified by the most extreme necessity. Before the battle the......
On Wednesday The Enemy, While Continuing His Attack South Of
Armentieres, delivered a furious assault on our lines north of the ruined town, along the Lye and, west of Wameton, to the Ypres- Comities Canal at Hollebeke. The German masses......
The Paper Shortage.—we Trust That Readers Of The "...
will give definite orders to their newsagents for a copy of the " Spectator" to be reserved for them each week till countermanded.......