13 APRIL 1951, Page 18


Six Years' Prayers

SIR,—Mr. Watkins says he would not mind our praying now if only we had prayed since 1945. The short answer to him is that we did. I have not the statistical material to give hint the precise figures, but if he were to look at Hansard for the period since 1945 he would see that scores of Prayers were moved during each of these years from the Opposition benches. Mr. Lennox-Boyd, Sir John Mellor and others of us then raised precisely the issues relating to Parliamentary control of delegated legislation which we raise today. What no doubt misled Mr. Watkins is that as these Prayers were moved late at night and contemptuously voted down by the Govern- ment's then vast majority, they in general received little attention in the public prints. But they are in Hansard for Mr. Watkins to read when he wishes. 1 hope they will console him.-1 am. Sir, your obedient

House of Commons.