The Stone Of Scone
The s q ualid episode of the theft of the Coronation Stone would seem to be at an end. It only remains to identify definitely the stone left at Arbroath Abbey- on Wednesday. If......
The Singapore Elections
Good news from Malaya has been scarce for a long time, and this makes all the more welcome this week's reports about the elections in Singapore. The authorities had some reason......
At Westminster M R. Gaitskell Has Sealed His Title To Be
Labour's Chancellor of the Exche q uer. Whatever opinions may be held about the refusal to cut Government expenditure or the increase in income tax and the tax on distributed......
Entangled In Cheese
The House of Commons seems to have been so amused at its own antics on Monday ni g ht, when an Opposition prayer to annul an order reducin g the weekly cheese ration from 3 oz.......