[A Book Token for ono guinea will be awarded to the snider of the first correct solution of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week[ April 24th. Envelopes must be received not 'later than first post that day end must bear the word "Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 21d. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.]
1. They are pieced together for warmth. (9, 6.)
L Wasteful as well as risky in view of the fuel situation. (7. 4, 4.) 10. It goes according to type. (L) 11. A prince on the watch. (6.) 13. Make a palpable hit suggesting a cessation of housekeeping. (6, 4.) 17. Secret port (snag.). (10.)
21. An expression of regret at the snake's loss of a tail. (6.)
22. ' Some think him ill-tempered and queer But a few think him enough " (Lear). (8.) 24. Requisites for a hoarding. (5, 3, 7.) 25. Much coveted, even if the grapes are sour. (7, 8.)
2. The amusing Muse. (6.) 3. Lifts and is shot in confusion. (6.) 4. True, for example, when the heart ceases to beat. (5, 5.)
S. Upset the ink on a letter. (4.)
6. It might become pure at the ends of the hold. (8.)
7. Respects (snag.). (8.)
S. " Woman's at best a contradiction still," he wrote. (4.)
9. His wife was Bridget Cromwell. (6.)
12. Gather a blossom to preserve it. (10.) 14. Burn mace (snag.). (8.) 15. A tan's become • turnover. (6.) 16. Dancing dowry in a formal pattern (5. 3.)
18. This one should not do in the craft of someone she. (6.)
19. A can father swallowed with polish. (6.)
29.. It is easily discoverable In a shallow Stagnant pond. (4.)
23. Purveyors, perhaps, of jungle tidings. (4.)