13 AUGUST 1892, Page 1


THE news from Afghanistan, though the details are few and vague, is of a disquieting kind. The latest piece of precise information is a telegram from Simla in Friday's Times, which announces that news received from Gilgit confirms the statement that a collision of some kind has occurred between the Russians and Afghans in the neighbourhood of the Alichur Pamir. This, however, is less important than the rumours that the Hazaras are to be joined in revolt by the Usbegs. The people of the Aineer's dominions are composed of Afghans, Hazaras, and Usbegs. The two last are usually kept in more or less subjection by the Afghans, who, prac- tising the art of divide et impera, control both. If, however, the Hazaras and Usbegs effect a real alliance, or make a simultaneous rebellion, it may go hard with the Ameer's authority.